Friday, June 29, 2012

fuck you carly rae, this is the song of the summer.

hey shawty lemme hollaatchu

the blog LIVES

I finally figured out how to update my facebook to my twitter AND my blog. I just had to link my blog to my twitter and my Twitter to my Facebook and download all the corresponding apps on my phone and coordinate my passwords. Now I just need to get my Instagrams to post to my blog because instagram only reposts to facebook and twitter so if I want my pics to show up on my blog id have to repost them on blogger which would could cause a re-repost on my Twitter and facebook...and the last thing I want to be is redundant.

....maybe I should start a Tumblr...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8


Sunday, June 10, 2012

moonlight kingdom

Union square. This is what's happening....tourists sharing cigars with a stranger. Tweaker huffing computer duster. Late bloomers playing Magic the Gathering. Black punks. OWS. Couples.
Photo bombing. Japanese people. A guy playing trombone. A guy taking pictures. A guy playing guitar. People coming.people going. People standing. People sitting. Reading sleeping walking talking. People with dogs. "I love this time early in summer...when its still new for them"
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8