Friday, April 13, 2012

Pretty Lights - Finally Moving

All These Things I Do...

I Do For Love by Morris Stegosaurus

I saw this poet perform his poems at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe on the lower east side in a pre- 911 world
I sat at the bar that served only beer and wine and told him how much I enjoyed his performance and he sold me this self published collection...I think it was $10. (Edition 5 - Susan Lucci Press c. 2000)

Here is an excerpt from one of my favorite poems from this collection

from Intercosmogalactic Warlord Cantata of Love

"...I am the last Fig Newton in an otherwise pedestrian box of Fig Newtons - the one stuck way at the bottom that you can't get out no matter how you wiggle your finger, until that glorious moment when it POPS out and you eat it, and the fruit is so much fruitier and the cake is so much more incredibly cakey than you ever imagined it could be, even in your most decadent, extravagant, baroque, rococo fantasies and you practically burst with fruity and cakey and cakey and fruity satisfaction and delight and I, I am that Fig Newton to you - oh it's true, it's true: a cookie is just a cookie,but I am your fruit! And your cake."